countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Domestic trip

Tokyo Bay 富津岬

At the tip of Cape Futtsu. It's the horn to the Tokyo Bay. See the never-used battery island in the distance. The sea breeze flows quietly and peacefully. 富津岬の明治100年記念塔。 遥かに砲台島を望む。 Battery island in the distance Meiji …

Only for a moment 一瞬の眺め

Standing at the top of the peninsula overlooking the sea of clouds. Early in the morning it happens, fades out quickly. Lucky to meet a impressive scene. 房総半島の高嶺で雲海を見下ろす。 運良く出会った、わずか15分のショータイム。 Top of th…

Heat in Kyoto 酷暑の京都

Prowl in Kyoto, where there are relatively few people. Because of the terrible heat, or COVID-19 ?Both. 炎暑の夏が京都の夏。 Kyoto Tower Tenman-gu Myojin Willow Alley

Deserted city 人の消えた町

People seem to refrain from going out. Self-restraint, it's one of the Japanese sensitive behaviour. Hotel reception Bus terminal Lonesome 'HIna Matsuri', Girls Festival

Rare View

In Tokyo, the air feels so clean. Waiting for the disaster to pass away. Deserted street of Ministries Inactive Airport

To the City 東京へ

Going to Tokyo across Tokyo Bay. The sun shines, the sea is calm as usual. The town, however, seems to be quieter than ever. 対岸での用事を済ませに東京湾を渡る。 海はおだやか、町はどこか虚ろ。 Over the Tokyo bay Approaching ' Umi Hotaru'

Market in Kyoto 錦市場

Nishiki market is always very lively. There is everything here for residents and tourists alike. 新年の錦市場は観光客で活気にあふれていた。 ここでの買い出しは京都の楽しみのひとつ。 爆買いに注意する。 Gate of the market Japanese pickles Var…

Kyoto 京都へ

Kyoto is the most historical town in Japan. Went to the Heian Shrine for a new year worship, then got a 'Red seal' for commemoration. 初詣の喧騒も治まった平安神宮を参拝。 ここの御朱印もとてもシンプル。 Heian Shrine 'Omikuji' tied to a tree…

Market for daily life 生活市場

At TANGA market in Kokura, Kyushu.Busy and somehow nostalgic. 小倉の旦過市場にやってきた。 各地の生活市場と同じく、懐かしい居心地の良さがここにもある。 今夜のアテはぬか漬けのサバ。 Entrance of the market In the market Lots of fresh fish Va…

A Shrine with Gods 出雲へ

In October of the lunar calendar, gods gather in Izumo Taisya Shrine.Spent a few days with gods in autumn leaves. 神在月も終わる出雲大社は、神々の送り戻し準備に忙しい。 国宝・松江城の堀巡り、足立美術館、大山の紅葉。 心にしみる秋の山陰。 Hu…

Fly to KYUSYU 久しぶりの九州

Fly to KYUSYU, the southern region of Japan, on a short trip.Overlooking the Seto Inland Sea.It is still hot, but there's a sign of autumn in the air. 残暑の中、久しぶりの九州へ。 博多も大分もまだ熱気の中にあるが、機窓から見る雲と空には秋…

Summer festival 京都の夏

Come across the GION Festival in Kyoto.Every year, this festival brings hot summer to Kyoto. 仕事で訪れた京都で祇園祭に出会う。 この祭りが梅雨から夏へ季節を運ぶと聞くが、今年は少々遅れているらしい。 Alongside of the river. in GION. Minami-…

Okinawa again 再びの沖縄

See another side of the pair Guardian.An uncle who plays three-wired Okinawan instrument, also.Quietly and lively, both aspects of Okinawa. 少々の仕事で、再びの沖縄。前回訪ね損ねた街の護り、うふシーサーペアーの相棒に会いに行く。 三線おじさ…

Short trip to Okinawa 沖縄

Naha is one of my favorite cities, touching the lives of people,saying hello to 'Sheesaa' the guardian of town. Daily living. 様々な悩みは抱えつつ、沖縄はいつも温かい。 日々の暮らしとシーサーは健在。 The maze of the town. One of the pair of…