countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary


Autumn leaves hunting 紅葉散策

The last autumn leaves shine in the winter sun.Late autumn goes by.関東で一番遅い紅葉を見る。遅い秋がはらはらと行く。

Autumn is still shallow 秋はまだ浅く

The autumn leaves in the neighboring mountains begin to turn red slightly.The winter chills haven't come yet. 我が町の紅葉は関東で一番遅い。山の寒気も今一歩。

Dusk in the countryside 夕景刻々

As always, a peaceful day goes down.The sky and clouds change their appearance every day.

Monopoly 独り占め

Take a walk in a forest where is no one but me.Strolling around a pond, looking at the far away sea.Feel like owning the whole exclusive mountain.無人の森を散策する。忘れられた橋、コテージ、椿、遠い眺め。贅沢な時間。

Amazing Grace 出た

With no sweet sun, here come amazing mushrooms.They grow up healthy in the shade.しばらく続いた雨で椎茸が一斉に出る。今年も秋の恵み、ふんだんに。 Wow

Familiar Autumn 秋の色

It's a common scenary around here, unexciting but restful.Mundane is sometime a valuable view.Daytime is getting shorter and shorter towards winter. 秋の風景には欠かせない柿の実。温暖化で干し柿を作るのが難しくなった。そのせいか、放置される…

Smoky day 燻炭を作る

Make smoked rice husks.Take time in the veggie field wrapped in the scent of charcoal.It's the regular work for soil improvement in autumn.もみ殻を燻し、畑にすき込んで土壌を改良する。秋の定番作業。

Peep in a good view 縁起の良い眺め

Visit a lake on sunny autumn day.Torii gate on the lake may bring good luck when we see it through the holed rock.Wishing for calm days.良く晴れた午後、山あいの湖を訪れる。湖上の鳥居をのぞき見して冬の安全祈願。

Ready for Typhoon 防衛網

Store the farm equipments, cover the veggies to stand by the vicious wind.Come on, "Mindulle" (”Dandelions” in Korean) the no.16.寒冷紗のトンネル掛け、防風キャップ。台風16号への備えを終える。

Seasons go around 季節は巡る

Standing beside the orchard to see the fruits of persimmons.Trees are kept low for easy harvest.It's just a familiar landscape seen in Japan. Autumn is getting deeper and deeper.日本の秋、定番の眺め。穏やかに深まるか、再度の台風襲来か。

Mow weeds 草を刈る

It's a tough work as I've left them too long.One fine day in Autumn, gonna sweat cool.空模様を気に掛けながらの汗仕事。夏の手抜きを悔やむ。 Before On going Done Burn to finish

Harvest Moon 中秋の名月

Tsukimi, watching the moon, is one of Japanese culture in autumn.See the sunset and full moon after the field work.Preparation of next vegetables goes on.圃場の一日、秋野菜の準備進む。 Planting West sunset East full moon

Red spider lily 曼殊沙華の咲く

Also known as "Hurricane Lily".The flower language is "Sad memories".Typhoon #14, "Chanthu", is passing today, it rains and stops repeatedly.Summer is also passing over.台風14号と一緒に夏が行く。畑のモグラ、ネズミよけ、彼岸花は満開。

Signs of Autumn 秋の気配

Baked rice fields show the turn of the season.We are clearly at the entrance to autumn.収穫あとの水田に今年も秋が来る。

Way to home 紅葉の家路

Go through the tunnel with red decoration. Here is where autumn leaves can be seen until the latest around Tokyo. It’s getting cold day by day. 我が家の周辺は関東で最も遅くまで紅葉が見られる。 寒気に引き立つ紅もあと数日か。 Red tunnel Driv…

Colors of JAPAN 秋色に染まる

Gingko, Maple and Persimmon. Various colors dye the mountains. This is exactly Autumn in Japan. 日本の秋。 Persimmon Gingko Maple

Baby and Adult 秋の楽しみ

Plant broad beans with crow guard.Harvest radishes. That's exactly autumn. ソラマメの植え付け、大根の収穫。 秋深し。 Broad beans with Crow guard Well matured radish

Winter is right there 冬はすぐそこに

It's just around the corner. Coming into my garden with cold air. 今年も庭先は一面のススキ。 温州みかんも冷たいしずくを纏う。 Miscanthus Oranges are in full bloom

Whole day long 日がな一日

Spend the day burning the rice hask. The autumn day goes by in a blink of an eye. 秋の一日、燻炭作りで暮れる。 Smoke get in my eyes Autumn dusk

Fruitful Autumn 実りの秋

It's time for harvest. Happy to be in the field. Citron Shiitake mushroom