Entries from 2020-05-01 to 1 month
There are many insects in the field. Someone is useful, other one does harm. But they all prove that the field is alive. 畑に暮らすたくさんの虫。 有害無害入り乱れ、これも健康な畑の賑わいか。 Two star ladybug, welcome. Stink bug, not welcom…
Emergency for COVID-19 has released all over Japan. No matter what comes up, everyday life goes on.Standing in the field today as well. Nicely grown onion Broad beans
It's a season for blooming. No matter how people live. 我が家の庭に、今年も白い花々が咲いた。 爽やかに、粛々と。 Guardian of the garden Orlaya Clematis Mandarin orange
Then, stay in the field.There are many things to do for care without COVID-19. 野菜たちとの濃厚接触は安全。 Onion Potato Shallot
Visited a strawberry firm nearby. The harvest can't be stopped, despite a decrease in orders. So we can help them by buying. Local production for local consumption. コロナ騒ぎがどうであれ、果実の収穫は待ったなし。 せめて、地産地消で小さな…