countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Veggie field

Come Come Every Bee

働き者歓迎。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Countryman Hiro (@countryman.hiro)

Colors of Summer 酷暑に輝く

Crazy heat again.猛暑日再来。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Countryman Hiro (@countryman.hiro)

Seasons Go Round 季節は巡る

栗の木陰には秋。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Countryman Hiro (@countryman.hiro)

Crazy Summer 危険な夏

酷暑の収穫続く。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Countryman Hiro (@countryman.hiro)

Blue and Very Sweet ブルーベリー実る

Blueberries matured.It's amazing sweet. 鳥よけネットの効果抜群。完熟粒だけの収穫を3回くらい楽しめそう。

Happy day 伸び伸びと

In the vegetable field,weeds grew in the absence of a week.But watermelons and corns also did.。Happy harvest. わずか1週間の不在で畑の雑草は伸び放題。しかし害獣たちも不在だったようで、西瓜もとうもろこしも健在。今年の小玉西瓜は少し早めの、…

Sicilian Rouge シシリアンルージュの輝き

The Italian brilliance.Sunlight accelerates the sweetness of tomatoes.What a surprising change it makes. 小ぶりのトマトをカットして今年もドライアップ。驚くべき甘さに大変身する。太陽の恵みに感謝。

From the Shade ワークマンの午後

Take a rest for a while, looking at the sunshine fields.The Taro is fine.My field work gear is also fine. 畑仕事の道具たちと、栗の木陰でしばし休憩。元気な里芋に追肥と土寄せ。恵みの雨はまだ来ない。

Red Summer 夏の赤

It’s the season of tomatoes.Enjoy color and scent every year.Happy hour in the field. 今年もトマトの季節。緑から赤へ、香り満載の夏が来る。

For the first time this year 初ポテト

Harvest potatoes.Grand Pechika, another name is Destroyer. 昔、そんなマスクプロレスラーがいたなぁ。 Masked Faces

Wait for coloring イタリアンレッドの心

Tomatoes are growing well, avoiding the rain.It's still green but has a nice scent.Heading for a bright red summer. トマトハウスに良い香りが充満している。雨よけは完璧、あとは日照次第。真っ赤な夏を心待ち。 Tomato house Young cluster

Set the gadgets for veggies 夏野菜を仕掛ける

It's time to plant summer vegetables.Arrange some gimmicks for efficient growth.The spring breeze still blows in the fields.まだ春の風が吹く畑で、夏野菜を準備する。いくつかの仕掛けは安全な成育のための備え。収穫を楽しみに汗をかく。 Eggplant…

Cold but Sunny 黙々と

Spread the compost over the veggie fields.Good care brings good haevest.Certainly heading for spring.堆肥を撒き、耕うんし、畑で一日を過ごす。流した汗の分だけ、採れる野菜は旨い。刺すような風の冷たさは既に無い。

To the Ranch 春は近い

Go get compost to improve the soil in the veggie fields.It's time to start preparing for spring. 近隣の牧場へ堆肥を貰いに行く。畑の霜も去り、植え付けに向けて土壌を整える時期になった。忙しい春はすぐにやってくる。

Bonfire 焚火

Gather and burn dead branches at the fields.It's one of the happy tasks in a cold day.Bright bonfire and cold sunset, in the same red.A day is over.枯れ溜めた果樹の枝を畑で燃やす。夕焼けで暮れてゆく冬の一日。

Lonesome field 農閑期

A few crops remain and there’s almost nothing to do.Only the cold wind blows through waiting for the coming spring.時おり刈り取る白菜とキャベツを残すだけの畑は、寒風が流れるのみ。植え付けの春はもうすぐやってくる。

Smoke fluttering 煙たなびく

Burn the rice husks for the last time of this year.It's the whole day work and good for soil when mix it.Cold winter's day is passing through.今年最後の燻炭を焼く。焼け具合を見守って一日を過ごす。 Burnt marks appear Almost done

Winter vegetables 冬の野菜たち

Spend all day in the field, while crop and care the vegetables.It's cold but calm.There is only one month left in the year of COVID-19.年ごとに四季の天候は少しづつ違う。作物の出来も変わる。来年はどんな年だろう。 Young Broad beans Lettuce, …

Amazing Grace 出た

With no sweet sun, here come amazing mushrooms.They grow up healthy in the shade.しばらく続いた雨で椎茸が一斉に出る。今年も秋の恵み、ふんだんに。 Wow

Insect Mound 虫塚

There is a place to memorialize the insects in a famous temple in Kamakura.We have been excluded thousands of insects and bugs in daily life.Saying it's a necessary measure for the veggie fields.I should keep that in mind.鎌倉の建長寺に虫…

Smoky day 燻炭を作る

Make smoked rice husks.Take time in the veggie field wrapped in the scent of charcoal.It's the regular work for soil improvement in autumn.もみ殻を燻し、畑にすき込んで土壌を改良する。秋の定番作業。

Ready for Typhoon 防衛網

Store the farm equipments, cover the veggies to stand by the vicious wind.Come on, "Mindulle" (”Dandelions” in Korean) the no.16.寒冷紗のトンネル掛け、防風キャップ。台風16号への備えを終える。

Harvest Moon 中秋の名月

Tsukimi, watching the moon, is one of Japanese culture in autumn.See the sunset and full moon after the field work.Preparation of next vegetables goes on.圃場の一日、秋野菜の準備進む。 Planting West sunset East full moon

Signs of Autumn 秋の気配

Baked rice fields show the turn of the season.We are clearly at the entrance to autumn.収穫あとの水田に今年も秋が来る。

Happy harvest 夏野菜が終われば

Variety of crops bring a lot of fun.Green peppers, eggplants, tomatos, chestnuts.Unique shaped butternuts, a kind of pumpkin, and gambo.The fields of summer are about to end.夏野菜も終わりに近い。今年の収穫に感謝。 Chestnuts Variety of veg…

Changing 変わりゆくもの

The color changes, the season also.Still the COVID-19 state of emergency goes on. Paprika changes from green to red. Strawberry matures

They all grow 盛夏

Summer is here.Cucumber, tomato, gambo.Colorful crops are pleasing to the eye.今年もすくすくと。収穫の夏、彩りの夏。

Overlooking the Fields 葉上のガードマン

My Guard Frogs watch out for vegie fields.The peak of harvest and mid summer are near.畑を害虫から防御する、カエルは頼れるガードマン。今年もしっかり登場。 Guard on the leaf

A time to be reaping たそがれて心せかれる

Harvest in a hurry at nightfall,as vegetables grow so quick.The time in the field is passing towards mid-summer.夕日に映える夏野菜たち。日照不足の気がかりも吹き飛ぶ収穫の時。

Heading to Summer 真夏の予感

It's time to grow up.Eggplant, Cucumber, Watermelon.Everything is going well.畑に少しづつ賑わいが出る。天気の移り変わりを気に掛ける日々の始まり。