countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2021-09-01 to 1 month

Seasons go around 季節は巡る

Standing beside the orchard to see the fruits of persimmons.Trees are kept low for easy harvest.It's just a familiar landscape seen in Japan. Autumn is getting deeper and deeper.日本の秋、定番の眺め。穏やかに深まるか、再度の台風襲来か。

Mow weeds 草を刈る

It's a tough work as I've left them too long.One fine day in Autumn, gonna sweat cool.空模様を気に掛けながらの汗仕事。夏の手抜きを悔やむ。 Before On going Done Burn to finish

Harvest Moon 中秋の名月

Tsukimi, watching the moon, is one of Japanese culture in autumn.See the sunset and full moon after the field work.Preparation of next vegetables goes on.圃場の一日、秋野菜の準備進む。 Planting West sunset East full moon

Red spider lily 曼殊沙華の咲く

Also known as "Hurricane Lily".The flower language is "Sad memories".Typhoon #14, "Chanthu", is passing today, it rains and stops repeatedly.Summer is also passing over.台風14号と一緒に夏が行く。畑のモグラ、ネズミよけ、彼岸花は満開。

Signs of Autumn 秋の気配

Baked rice fields show the turn of the season.We are clearly at the entrance to autumn.収穫あとの水田に今年も秋が来る。

Happy harvest 夏野菜が終われば

Variety of crops bring a lot of fun.Green peppers, eggplants, tomatos, chestnuts.Unique shaped butternuts, a kind of pumpkin, and gambo.The fields of summer are about to end.夏野菜も終わりに近い。今年の収穫に感謝。 Chestnuts Variety of veg…