Entries from 2021-08-01 to 1 month
Had a short stay in familiar hospital for health check-up.The state of emergency extended, the visibility remains poor.病室の見慣れた景色は霧で一変する。コロナの先行きも霧の中。 Morning mist Hazy sunset
Got a 4th PCR test in preparation for a medical exam.It required before overseas business trip and hospitalization.The result was negative for COVID-19, a little positive for my mind.Pandemic still goes on under the sunshine.4回目のPCR検査…
Traces of the hard wind on paddy fields.Unpredictable wind blows just before the harvest.Walking in a disappointing afternoon.収穫直前の水田を想定外の風が荒らす。黄金の穂が夕日に映える、諦めの午後。
The sunshine came in after a long absence.But it's very capricious.The cloud changes from moment to moment, looks beautiful in various ways.久し振りの青空。雲の移り変わりを楽しむ一日。
15th is the day of war end.76 years have passed since the end of world war Ⅱ.We swear to abandon the war forever, keep on fighting against COVID-19.終戦から76年。台風、洪水、土石流、そしてCOVID-19。戦いは終わらない。 Bombed Dome in Hiroshi…
Under States of Emergency for COVID-19, heavy rains are hitting all over Japan.Unexpected and inexperienced events continue. Just be safe and wait for it to go far. Photo: Nishinihon Press Photo: Kyodo Tsusin
Tokyo Olympic Games have finished.Came with Typhoon 8, leaving with Typhoon 9.What will be from now, no one knows.COVID-19 still stays.東京オリンピックが閉幕した。残されたのは台風の残渣とCOVID-19。
Our house guardians keep watch 24/7.Protect from disaster or COVID-19.We wish both.我が家の守護者たちは炎暑も無休。緊急事態宣言下の夏。 A pair of 'See-Saa' from Okinawa あ Right Guard says 'Ah'. うん Left Guard says 'Um'. Summer-extra, Frog…
The leaf shadow sways.A cool breeze flows over the wooden deck for a moment.The peak of summer is still going on. ウッドデッキに葉影が揺れてひとときの涼。夏の熱気と無観客の五輪は続く。