countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2022-01-01 to 1 month

Refill firewood 薪を仕込む

Got some fine oaks.Cut short and split into pieces.They will be perfect after two years' dry up.Worked all day in the cold.楢の木を貰った。クヌギや樫に次いで薪に最適の樹種で、火力と持ちの良さは抜群。40センチに玉切り、27トンの薪割り機にかけ…

Lonesome field 農閑期

A few crops remain and there’s almost nothing to do.Only the cold wind blows through waiting for the coming spring.時おり刈り取る白菜とキャベツを残すだけの畑は、寒風が流れるのみ。植え付けの春はもうすぐやってくる。

Drive to watch 'Drive My Car' ドライブ・マイ・カー

It's a film that won an award at a film festival.The adaptation from the original story is wonderful.A 50 page short novel turns into a three hour movie, it's amazing.Mmm, need to watch again to get a deeper understanding.While driving on …

Laughter surpasses the pandemic 至福のひと時

Here comes 'RAKUGO', Japanese traditional narration. It's hard to hold back laughter.Master Narrator BUNJI always turns me on.恒例の落語会に贔屓の噺家がやって来た。真打・桂文治の話芸に浸る。山あいの町で寄席、何という贅沢か。コロナに負けぬ主…

Monsters bark in the mountains 山の怪物

I visited the workshop to see the production of wood chips.There's full of the scent of various wood.They become fuel for biomass power generation.Metabolism brings the forest back to life. And brings me firewood as well.ウッドチップ製造現…

All is calm, all is bright 段々畑のショータイム

Countless lights illuminate the terraced fields.Celebrate the New Year and pray for a good harvest.The freezing night of Oyama Senmaida shines in the dark.大山千枚田のイルミネーションを見に行く。無数の光が日没とともに現れ、冷気にまたたく。…

First Visit 神頼み

It's a traditional manners of New Year.Visit Tanjoji-temple, where is the birth place of Great Saint Nichiren, to pray for peace and health.Pray for the pandemic to be over.今年の初詣は日蓮上人生誕の地、誕生寺へ。丹念に祈るのはコロナの終息…

First Snowfall 初雪

Silent snow falls covering all the landscape.It would be appreciated if everything could be disinfected.Celebration days are about to end.今年初めての積雪で、あたりの景色は一変した。深々と冷えるけれど何故かうれしい、犬の気分。 New Year's d…

New years decoration at a lumber shop 正月飾り

Hoping 2022 to be less disease, free movement, no pain.Let's get started.