countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2021-11-01 to 1 month

Winter vegetables 冬の野菜たち

Spend all day in the field, while crop and care the vegetables.It's cold but calm.There is only one month left in the year of COVID-19.年ごとに四季の天候は少しづつ違う。作物の出来も変わる。来年はどんな年だろう。 Young Broad beans Lettuce, …

To the sea 海へ

Watching the ever-changing sunshine, the sparkling sea, and the moving clouds.The unpredictable winter is just around the corner. 日差しと雲の行方をしばし眺める。奇妙に収まっているコロナはどうなるのか。予測のつかない冬がもうすぐやって来る。

"RAKUGO" the Japan traditional narration 笑いの達人

The event that had been canceled due to the influence of COVID-19 was finally held."Syunpuu-tei Ryukyo", the master's performance is wonderful.Laughter after a long absence overflowed.久方ぶりに落語会が再開した。真打の話術を堪能する。

Autumn is still shallow 秋はまだ浅く

The autumn leaves in the neighboring mountains begin to turn red slightly.The winter chills haven't come yet. 我が町の紅葉は関東で一番遅い。山の寒気も今一歩。

Dusk in the countryside 夕景刻々

As always, a peaceful day goes down.The sky and clouds change their appearance every day.

Reading when it rains 雨の日はビートルズ

Got an old guide book which covers all the songs of BEATLES.'The fool on the hill' says, See the sun going down And the eyes in his head see the world spinning aroundUmm, sounds comfortable.ビートルズの古い全曲解説本を手に入れた。古い歌詞…

Monopoly 独り占め

Take a walk in a forest where is no one but me.Strolling around a pond, looking at the far away sea.Feel like owning the whole exclusive mountain.無人の森を散策する。忘れられた橋、コテージ、椿、遠い眺め。贅沢な時間。

Amazing Grace 出た

With no sweet sun, here come amazing mushrooms.They grow up healthy in the shade.しばらく続いた雨で椎茸が一斉に出る。今年も秋の恵み、ふんだんに。 Wow

Familiar Autumn 秋の色

It's a common scenary around here, unexciting but restful.Mundane is sometime a valuable view.Daytime is getting shorter and shorter towards winter. 秋の風景には欠かせない柿の実。温暖化で干し柿を作るのが難しくなった。そのせいか、放置される…