countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2020-11-01 to 1 month

Tokyo Bay 富津岬

At the tip of Cape Futtsu. It's the horn to the Tokyo Bay. See the never-used battery island in the distance. The sea breeze flows quietly and peacefully. 富津岬の明治100年記念塔。 遥かに砲台島を望む。 Battery island in the distance Meiji …

Only for a moment 一瞬の眺め

Standing at the top of the peninsula overlooking the sea of clouds. Early in the morning it happens, fades out quickly. Lucky to meet a impressive scene. 房総半島の高嶺で雲海を見下ろす。 運良く出会った、わずか15分のショータイム。 Top of th…

Colors of JAPAN 秋色に染まる

Gingko, Maple and Persimmon. Various colors dye the mountains. This is exactly Autumn in Japan. 日本の秋。 Persimmon Gingko Maple

Baby and Adult 秋の楽しみ

Plant broad beans with crow guard.Harvest radishes. That's exactly autumn. ソラマメの植え付け、大根の収穫。 秋深し。 Broad beans with Crow guard Well matured radish

First burning 火入れ

The day of the year has come. The fun of the wood stove begins. 薪ストーブの季節始まる。 寒い朝に誘われて火入れ。 アルミでくるんだ焼き芋は絶品に仕上がる。 So comfortable Enchanted flame

Winter is right there 冬はすぐそこに

It's just around the corner. Coming into my garden with cold air. 今年も庭先は一面のススキ。 温州みかんも冷たいしずくを纏う。 Miscanthus Oranges are in full bloom

Whole day long 日がな一日

Spend the day burning the rice hask. The autumn day goes by in a blink of an eye. 秋の一日、燻炭作りで暮れる。 Smoke get in my eyes Autumn dusk