countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary


Cozy place to be 無防備になれる場所

State of Emergency will end tomorrow.We need a place to relax unprotected even in a pandemic.Here it is.The sign there says what I mean.Enjoying "Soba", I thank for I'm a Japanese.日本人に生まれて良かった。そう思える時と場所がある。 Hmmm, …

Laughter surpasses the pandemic 至福のひと時

Here comes 'RAKUGO', Japanese traditional narration. It's hard to hold back laughter.Master Narrator BUNJI always turns me on.恒例の落語会に贔屓の噺家がやって来た。真打・桂文治の話芸に浸る。山あいの町で寄席、何という贅沢か。コロナに負けぬ主…

First Visit 神頼み

It's a traditional manners of New Year.Visit Tanjoji-temple, where is the birth place of Great Saint Nichiren, to pray for peace and health.Pray for the pandemic to be over.今年の初詣は日蓮上人生誕の地、誕生寺へ。丹念に祈るのはコロナの終息…

New years decoration at a lumber shop 正月飾り

Hoping 2022 to be less disease, free movement, no pain.Let's get started.

Year end work 餅つき

Make 'Mochi' in the traditoinal way.Hit and turn by synchronized two guys.A new year is coming soon.今年も恒例の餅つき。来年こそは良い年でありますように。 Traditional gear, USU and KINE.

Winter citrus 柑橘の冬

Take citron in the garden.We throw it in the hot bath and enjoy the scent.Or fill with 'Miso' then steam, exposed to the cold wind for two months. We call it 'Yubeshi', a traditional preserved food in winter.今年も柚子の季節になった。柚子…

"RAKUGO" the Japan traditional narration 笑いの達人

The event that had been canceled due to the influence of COVID-19 was finally held."Syunpuu-tei Ryukyo", the master's performance is wonderful.Laughter after a long absence overflowed.久方ぶりに落語会が再開した。真打の話術を堪能する。

Insect Mound 虫塚

There is a place to memorialize the insects in a famous temple in Kamakura.We have been excluded thousands of insects and bugs in daily life.Saying it's a necessary measure for the veggie fields.I should keep that in mind.鎌倉の建長寺に虫…

Heading south 陽気な陶器

Go see the pottery that makes me brighter.Their colors and shapes look like a mixture of east and west.Feel like I'm in Mediterranean coast.房総半島南端の町に、お気に入りの陶器を見に行く。その形や色使いから、南ヨーロッパや中央アジアの見知…

Fun on a rainy day 古い夏の色合い

Watch the Japanese clothes collection in local museum.They are 'Kimono' for summer in the Meiji era over 100 years old.The shape and its delicate color are kept in amazing perfect condition.Feel summer in rainy fall day.地元蒐集家の着物コ…

Last Day 笑いの日

The states of Emergency for COVID-19 will be released tomorrow.Today, it's a day of laughing here. The laughter after a long absence. 'RAKUGU', the traditional Japanese narrative art is immortal even in these hard days. 緊急事態宣言の最終…

Girls' Month ひな祭り

In Japan, March is the month of girls' celebration.We have a doll festival called 'Hina-matsuri'.My familiar soba restaurant decorates and celebrates the Hina-dolls.The owner says 'They are nearly 70 years old boys and girls'. 馴染みのお蕎…

Saint Rising 未完の日蓮

Great Saint 'NICHIREN' is under way. However, it takes way more budget for his wholly stand up. The temple accepts donations to go on.May God bless you. 頭部だけの日蓮上人が異彩を放つ寺がある。 資金不足が理由とか。 目線を合わせられる巨像と…

Zodiac ウシに祈りを

Pay a courtesy call on the twelve Jizo with twelve animals.Especially for the Jizo with Ox, which is the animal of this year. I want to move forward step by step patiently. 緊急事態宣言直前の静かな十二支地蔵を訪れる。 我慢から一年が始まる…

Timber factory 製材所の新年  

They still keep the traditional way of decoration for New Year.Hoping the prospering business in Japanese style. 町内の製材所に昔ながらの新年飾りがあった。 林業の維持、復興は当地の重要なテーマ。

New Year's Worship 初詣

Go round for a New Year wish. Visit the local temple and shrine.Maybe the benefits are double. 元日を避けて地元の寺社を参詣する。 掛け持ち詣でのご利益や如何に。

Japanese tradition 日本式

Making rice cake for New Year in a traditional way. It's like a year-end ritual that has been forgotten for a long time. A bright New Year will be coming for you. Steam the glutinous rice Hitting tool 'KINE' and receiving vessel 'USU' Put …

Year-end custom 神野寺

Visit the JINYA-JI temple for early worship, avoiding crowds and COVID-19. The benefits are always the same. 一足早く神野寺参拝。 温暖な房総にはまだ秋の気配が残る。

Kyoto 京都へ

Kyoto is the most historical town in Japan. Went to the Heian Shrine for a new year worship, then got a 'Red seal' for commemoration. 初詣の喧騒も治まった平安神宮を参拝。 ここの御朱印もとてもシンプル。 Heian Shrine 'Omikuji' tied to a tree…

New Year’s Wishes

Start 2020 at a local shrine.I wish for a peaceful, healthy and calm year. 新年の願掛け 今年の初詣は地元の玉前神社へ。 平凡だけれど、家族や友人の健康を祈願する。 Tamasaki Shrine New year's lucky charm Japanese 'Sake' celebration

A Shrine with Gods 出雲へ

In October of the lunar calendar, gods gather in Izumo Taisya Shrine.Spent a few days with gods in autumn leaves. 神在月も終わる出雲大社は、神々の送り戻し準備に忙しい。 国宝・松江城の堀巡り、足立美術館、大山の紅葉。 心にしみる秋の山陰。 Hu…

Typhoon passing 台風一過

A huge typhoon hit the Tokyo area.After that, a local festival was held peacefully. 大型の台風19号が関東に上陸し、大きな被害を残して去った。 前回の教訓から、できるだけの備えをした畑は何とか持ちこたえた。 直後の日曜日、真夏に逆戻りした町で…

Mature narrator 円熟の語り手

Well-trained RAKUGO storyteller 'Kokon-tei KIKUNOJOE' is smart and sensual.It's a short break after the typhoon hit. 古今亭菊之丞、「火炎太鼓」。 鍛え抜かれた本格の語りは、艶に溢れて無駄がない。 台風被害をしばし忘れて、その話芸を楽しむ。 P…

Day of laughter 笑いの日

Enjoy traditional Japanese storytelling.Tha afternoon of LOL. 二か月に一度の笑いがやって来た。 お馴染みの落語会、良く知られた4演目を中休みを挟んで楽しむ。 聞く方も結構な体力勝負。 心地よく疲れた夏の午後だった。 'RAKUGO' performance Today'…

Fun in every two months 2か月ぶりに 

'RAKUGO' entertainment came to town again.Promising young narrators are in the second rank, called 'FUTATSUME'.They deserve to be a Meister soon, and called 'SHIN-UCHI'. 今年三回目の落語会がやって来た。 今回は期待の若手「二ツ目」3人の話芸…

Children's Day 端午の節句

Japanese traditional events in May 5th.Here and there, a carp family swim in the air. 5月5日、こどもの日。 あちこちの家に大小の鯉のぼりが泳ぎ、東京では見られなくなった風景が広がる。 快晴の雲、夏近し。 'Koi Nobori' Almost Summer.

Japan unique 古本の街

Strolling around the old-book stores. Japan unique streets never change. 懐かしの神保町、古書店通りをぶらり。直射日光を避けて北向きに並ぶ、小さな書店を見て回る。活字離れの時代と言われるが、この街の存在と静かな活気に微笑んでしまう。 My favo…

Vaudeville coming to town 落語会

Enjoy 'RAKUGO' , the Japanese traditional storytelling arts.What a sophisticated techniques they have. LOL. 2か月に一度の楽しみ、落語寄席がやってきた。 磨かれた真打の話芸を大爆笑で堪能する幸せな時間。 森に囲まれた一席とは、なんという贅沢か…