countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Japanese tradition 日本式

Making rice cake for New Year in a traditional way. It's like a year-end ritual that has been forgotten for a long time. A bright New Year will be coming for you. Steam the glutinous rice Hitting tool 'KINE' and receiving vessel 'USU' Put …

New Year's essentials 正月の必需品

Grilled Oysters Soaked in Sesame Oil. It's a New Year's classic dish at my home. Charcoal fire brings out a splended taste and aroma.I can't stand it. カキのオイルづけ。 大粒のカキに、姿が崩れないように金串を刺して炭火で炙る。 オイルに浸し…

Morning market 港の朝市

Go to the fish market in the harbor. Shopping for the new year. 正月に備えて恒例の買い出し。 賑わいは今一つ。 Various dried fish Oyster, Crab, Octopus, , Dried sardines Boiled octopus

Making 'YUBESHI' 柚餅子を作る

It's a fascinating taste of winter, made from citron. Dry up in the air for couple months. Cold wind makes the taste stand out.The colder the better. 寒風に晒すこと数か月。 春の楽しみを仕込む。 Citron tree Stuff 'MISO' and walnuts. Dry und…

Way to home 紅葉の家路

Go through the tunnel with red decoration. Here is where autumn leaves can be seen until the latest around Tokyo. It’s getting cold day by day. 我が家の周辺は関東で最も遅くまで紅葉が見られる。 寒気に引き立つ紅もあと数日か。 Red tunnel Driv…

Year-end custom 神野寺

Visit the JINYA-JI temple for early worship, avoiding crowds and COVID-19. The benefits are always the same. 一足早く神野寺参拝。 温暖な房総にはまだ秋の気配が残る。

Arriving Japan 帰国

The airport is as quiet as ever. Saliva tests for COVID-19 are still on going. 閑散とした空港で、唾液検査も相変わらず。 採取ブースの壁には懐かしい梅干しとレモン。。。 No photo is allowed from here onwards. Helps saliva collection

Urban Cowherd 都会の牛飼い

They say It's the Masai privileges in Nairobi downtown. A familiar sight along the highway. それはマサイ族の特権だとか。

KIBERA 変わらぬ暮らし

Kibera, the world biggest slam in Nairobi. Despite the COVID-19, people's lives go on. 世界最大級のスラム街、ナイロビのキベラ地区。 コロナにめげず、暮らしは淡々とあり。 Oil shop Small business Street corner

Tokyo Bay 富津岬

At the tip of Cape Futtsu. It's the horn to the Tokyo Bay. See the never-used battery island in the distance. The sea breeze flows quietly and peacefully. 富津岬の明治100年記念塔。 遥かに砲台島を望む。 Battery island in the distance Meiji …

Only for a moment 一瞬の眺め

Standing at the top of the peninsula overlooking the sea of clouds. Early in the morning it happens, fades out quickly. Lucky to meet a impressive scene. 房総半島の高嶺で雲海を見下ろす。 運良く出会った、わずか15分のショータイム。 Top of th…

Colors of JAPAN 秋色に染まる

Gingko, Maple and Persimmon. Various colors dye the mountains. This is exactly Autumn in Japan. 日本の秋。 Persimmon Gingko Maple

Baby and Adult 秋の楽しみ

Plant broad beans with crow guard.Harvest radishes. That's exactly autumn. ソラマメの植え付け、大根の収穫。 秋深し。 Broad beans with Crow guard Well matured radish

First burning 火入れ

The day of the year has come. The fun of the wood stove begins. 薪ストーブの季節始まる。 寒い朝に誘われて火入れ。 アルミでくるんだ焼き芋は絶品に仕上がる。 So comfortable Enchanted flame

Winter is right there 冬はすぐそこに

It's just around the corner. Coming into my garden with cold air. 今年も庭先は一面のススキ。 温州みかんも冷たいしずくを纏う。 Miscanthus Oranges are in full bloom

Whole day long 日がな一日

Spend the day burning the rice hask. The autumn day goes by in a blink of an eye. 秋の一日、燻炭作りで暮れる。 Smoke get in my eyes Autumn dusk

Fruitful Autumn 実りの秋

It's time for harvest. Happy to be in the field. Citron Shiitake mushroom

Border Measures 水際対策

Got a COVID-19 check at returning airport. It's 'Negative' but feel ease. ケニアから戻った成田空港で、帰国者への唾液抗原検査を体験。 パイプ椅子で待ち、検査後1時間で陰性結果を知らされてから入国。 減便で閑散としていたのが救い。 Waiting line …

Secured vs. Un secured

Nairobi is secured by inspections anywhere. But about COVID-19, it depends on each. 車両検査で見つけられるのは爆弾だけ。 Vehicle check by mirror Street view

Season of Jacaranda 雨期を告げる花

Light rain season begins. The flower of this season Jacaranda is in full bloom. But at the same time, it means the season of feather ants. They are edible and called KunbiKunbi in Swahili. Hundreds of them gather in the light, disturbing d…

Holiday in Nairobi ナイロビの休日

It's Mashujaa Day today. But the number of people in the city is not good enough. COVID-19 brings little traffic jam and clean air. まだ外出禁止令が解けないナイロビから恐怖の交通渋滞が消えた。 小雨期を迎える標高1,700メーターの街は考えられ…

Still Quiet 過疎の空港

Each airports are in each silence of COVID-19. Sadly abandoned and waiting for the bustle. 成田、ドーハ、どちらの空港も、それぞれの静寂の中にあった。 灯の消えた商店街のような空港に喧騒が戻るのはいつだろう。 Narita, Japan. Check-in counter …

Terraced Fields 雨の大山千枚田

Paddy fields lay in the rain. It's like a work of art. Misty fields Tough works made these.

Between the rain 雨の合間に

Harvest the wax gourd. Autumn breeze sways in the field. 久しぶりの晴れ間に冬瓜を収穫。 畑に秋の風がそよぐ。 Good harvest

Combined Exhibition 複合展

Watch the combined exhibition of pottery and painting. Skillful work and innocent work. Both are interesting.

Open 再開

A restaurant that has been familiar over 30 years has reopened.They serve eel bowl which is so nice.Japanese taste beats COVID-19. 30年来の馴染みのうなぎ屋が、ようやく店食を再開した。 コロナに負けず、親父さんの腕と味は変わらない。 Welcomin…

Heavenly Blessing 天の恵み

Got certified rice. They use minimal pesticides then sun-dried. It is rice with a pure white shine and 'umami'. 今年も地産のコメを手に入れた。 必要最小限の農薬を使い、天日干し。 太陽の光と自然の風でゆっくり乾燥された一粒一粒は、ひび割れな…

Back to the Past 断食

Re-hospitalized for the same illness. Last time it was spring, this time it's fall. One week fast waits for me. Alright good for health. 覚えのある腹痛で再入院。 覚えのある景色は春から秋に変わった。 1週間の断食は健康のモト?

Winding Grass 牧草巻き

A farmer in the neighborhood works hard. It's regular work in autumn after harvesting rice. Automated work looks interesting. 秋の牧草作りを見物する。 農家の所有する機械は何と多様なことか。 Roll of grass in the field Collect by the machine…

Near Autumn 秋近し

It's still hot enough but there's a sign of change. Chestnuts in our small orchard have begun to ripen. Time goes by. 栗拾いの季節がやってきた。 暑さの中にも秋の気配。 Autumn blessing