countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2022-05-01 to 1 month

The wind shines 風光る

Sunshine in the early summer stays on the leaves.Low clouds carry in hot winds and shake them.Hydrangea is still young waiting for the rainy season. 初夏の陽射しが庭に降り注いで、柿の葉が光る。梅雨まで、あと一歩。 Sunshine on the leaves Cl…

Creative wood 賑やかな森

I happened to come across a familiar sound.Chainsaw work is for daily life to me, but it's the art work here.Animals come alive from the logs.Amazing.チェーンソーカービングに出くわした。チップを脱いだ動物たちが森を飾る。夏日の午後。 Before…

Handicraft Atelier マチノイト

It's a place to tie up people loosely and softly.You can take sewing lessons, enjoy DIY or get some carefully selected books here.The former post office is now working as a knot in town.小雨の中、近所のユニークな場所を訪ねる。そこは、古い…

White in the garden 庭の花

It's the season when flowers bloom.Some of them progress from flowering to fruiting.I feel the change of seasons in the scent of rain. 庭に白い花々が咲く。柚子と温州みかんは結実を始める。梅雨に向かって季節がゆっくりと動く。 Orlaya オルレア…

Set the gadgets for veggies 夏野菜を仕掛ける

It's time to plant summer vegetables.Arrange some gimmicks for efficient growth.The spring breeze still blows in the fields.まだ春の風が吹く畑で、夏野菜を準備する。いくつかの仕掛けは安全な成育のための備え。収穫を楽しみに汗をかく。 Eggplant…

One week fasting 読書週間

Caught in a familiar hospital. It gives me enough time to read brought books that I rarely take out of my shelf.Check up the Maintenance Guide Book for my naughty FIAT. Turn pages of nostalgic Swahili textbook. Constant is the rain outside…

Cozy afternoon 良い香りの午後

Rest in the herb garden on a tiny rainy day.It rains without sound.The silent rain outside, the scent of herbs inside.雨の日の休息に、近くのハーブガーデンへ行く。長い休暇が明けて、また静かになった。音のない雨が降る。

Carps in the Air 鯉泳ぐ

A family carp with four kids swims in the air.It's Japan tradition on Children's Day in May.都会では中々見られなくなった5月の鯉のぼり。田舎では、寺で農家で、まだまだ大小の鯉が観られる。穀雨を経て立夏の風薫る。

One Day Trip アートな散策日

I visited "Sakura" one of my favorite town again.Stroll the old streets through the quiet slopes.Stop to see the exhibition at City Museum of Art.佐倉は江戸の面影を残す洒落た町。時折訪れては散策したくなる、アートな町でもある。