countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary


Anew in every morning 日々新たに

毎朝、咲き替わる花。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Countryman Hiro (@countryman.hiro)

Sudden Shower 突然の雨

タンザニア、ティンガティンガ村はどうしているか。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Countryman Hiro (@countryman.hiro)

Mow and Mow 小径をつくる

夏草をかき分けて。 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Countryman Hiro (@countryman.hiro)

Sicilian Rouge シシリアンルージュの輝き

The Italian brilliance.Sunlight accelerates the sweetness of tomatoes.What a surprising change it makes. 小ぶりのトマトをカットして今年もドライアップ。驚くべき甘さに大変身する。太陽の恵みに感謝。


Watched a film by Hirokazu KORE-EDA.His suppressive expressions make me think a lot.Caught in his trap, maybe.話題の映画「ベイビーブローカー」を観る。韓国を舞台に、役者とスタッフ、全てハングル語での作品である。是枝裕和監督に言語種類は意味…

Making a Workbench 梅雨時の楽しみは

Pastime space on a rainy day has appeared.We have a feeling that something new will be created. 雨の合間に作業台を作った。見慣れた我が家に据えると景色が変わった。さて、それで何ができるか。

The rainy season may have begun 梅雨入りか

The forest beyond the house is hazy, and the temperature drops rapidly.Spend time at home checking tools, drawing sketches of a workbench I'll make.It rains all day. くたびれた道具の手入れ法を確認する。作業台の工作図を描く。三角関数が使え…

The wind shines 風光る

Sunshine in the early summer stays on the leaves.Low clouds carry in hot winds and shake them.Hydrangea is still young waiting for the rainy season. 初夏の陽射しが庭に降り注いで、柿の葉が光る。梅雨まで、あと一歩。 Sunshine on the leaves Cl…

White in the garden 庭の花

It's the season when flowers bloom.Some of them progress from flowering to fruiting.I feel the change of seasons in the scent of rain. 庭に白い花々が咲く。柚子と温州みかんは結実を始める。梅雨に向かって季節がゆっくりと動く。 Orlaya オルレア…

One week fasting 読書週間

Caught in a familiar hospital. It gives me enough time to read brought books that I rarely take out of my shelf.Check up the Maintenance Guide Book for my naughty FIAT. Turn pages of nostalgic Swahili textbook. Constant is the rain outside…

Cozy afternoon 良い香りの午後

Rest in the herb garden on a tiny rainy day.It rains without sound.The silent rain outside, the scent of herbs inside.雨の日の休息に、近くのハーブガーデンへ行く。長い休暇が明けて、また静かになった。音のない雨が降る。

Carps in the Air 鯉泳ぐ

A family carp with four kids swims in the air.It's Japan tradition on Children's Day in May.都会では中々見られなくなった5月の鯉のぼり。田舎では、寺で農家で、まだまだ大小の鯉が観られる。穀雨を経て立夏の風薫る。

Rainy Friday 雨の金曜日は

Spring morning in a tiny rain.It's a little cold for the plants in the garden to get awaken.The scent of rain is somehow nice.Then the vacation week has begun with rain.庭木の目覚めを見て回る。少し肌寒い朝の、雨の香りもまた良し。 Hydrangea…

Wind blow through 真っすぐに

Take a breath in the well-cared bamboo grove. Overgrown bamboo shoots are here and there.Wind is sweet, feel the summer is coming.良い風の抜ける竹林で一休み。雨後のタケノコは急成長で夏の予感。

In a Livery Classroom 賑やかな鶏小屋で

On a warm spring day, sit aside listening to their short conversation.Professor Rooster asks,"What's your trouble, kid ?" Silkie chicken kid demands,"I'm in hunger for something good." Professor sighs,"Ummm, troublesome.""You're in good pe…

Cut and break 汗仕事

Make firewood as usual.It's a regular work to prepare for the winter in two years.Sweat to warm now, get warm with the stove later. Cool.薪割りルーティンワークに汗を流す。27トンのモンスター薪割り機は友達。君無しではとて~も冬を越せそうもな…

Japan Beauty 夜桜

See the cherry blossoms at night.Blooms all at once and scatters cleanly.It may be only a week's life.I'm glad I'm a Japanese. 満開の桜を愛でる夜。無情の風が吹くまで、あと何日か。

Hand over, Carry on 「あてら」で考える

I got a new release of our local free press which is interesting every time.It says that ;"There are crucial things to pass on to the next generation.""There are essential things to carry on using."It's probably a custom, a tool or even a …

It's been a while 港の朝市へ

Morning market in the port started again.It was suspended for a while because of COVID-19.Still half the size, but it's a nostalgic crowd. コロナの影響で中断されていた港の朝市が再開された。まだ半分の規模だけれど、懐かしい人混みが戻りつつあ…

In the sunny side 日の当たる場所で

Find a cotton candy in the air.See the flowers in red and white. Here and there, peace should be so common.陽だまりで空や森を眺める。しばし、ぼんやりと過ごす暖かい時間。田舎暮らしの贅沢。

Spring Equinox 分岐点

Today is one of the key days in a year.On such a day, the government's Corona virus prevention measures have been over. But still wonder if it will be really over.Our timid days should go on for a while towards the free lives.Hope it would…

Cozy place to be 無防備になれる場所

State of Emergency will end tomorrow.We need a place to relax unprotected even in a pandemic.Here it is.The sign there says what I mean.Enjoying "Soba", I thank for I'm a Japanese.日本人に生まれて良かった。そう思える時と場所がある。 Hmmm, …

It's surely Spring 梅の花咲く

Warm wind gently blows over the forest and over my head, inviting us to the outdoors.Spend time in the sun.Plums bloom, cherry blossoms will be next.梅は咲いたか、桜はまだか。風に誘われて、陽だまりの一日。

Huge disasters 悲しみは終わらない

Today is a memorial day for the earthquake disaster that struck eastern Japan 11 years ago.And now we are witnessing the disaster in Eastern Europe.Natural or artificial.In any case, the tragedy never ends, both past and present.

Expect for Summer 夏への望み

Trim the blueberries to get large grains. Spend all day caring for the trees.The sun going down as usual.A calm day is over and expect a similar tomorrow. ブルーベリーを剪定する。夏には大粒の収穫が出来るだろうか。

Third injection for COVID

Done the veggie work then got vaccinated.'Modernized' in the countryside.It's time to take some rest in safe.田舎にも’近代化’がやって来た。3回目のワクチン接種をモデルナで受ける。副反応を想定して暫し休息。

To the Ranch 春は近い

Go get compost to improve the soil in the veggie fields.It's time to start preparing for spring. 近隣の牧場へ堆肥を貰いに行く。畑の霜も去り、植え付けに向けて土壌を整える時期になった。忙しい春はすぐにやってくる。

Vague もやもやと

Withered field beyond the garden is still asleep.The sun sets there as usual.Not so cold not so warm.A day with nothing good or sad. 庭先の枯野にはまだ春の気配がなく、剪定を終えた柿の枝が侘しい。寒くもなく温かくもなく、一日が過ぎる。

Not that bad 悪くない一日

It's not convenient to live in the countryside.Boreing sometimes but feel safe away from the crowd.One fine day, hang out without COVID.良く晴れた寒い日に隣町を散策。どこでも自然にソーシャルディスタンス。

Refill firewood 薪を仕込む

Got some fine oaks.Cut short and split into pieces.They will be perfect after two years' dry up.Worked all day in the cold.楢の木を貰った。クヌギや樫に次いで薪に最適の樹種で、火力と持ちの良さは抜群。40センチに玉切り、27トンの薪割り機にかけ…