Entries from 2020-12-01 to 1 month
Making rice cake for New Year in a traditional way. It's like a year-end ritual that has been forgotten for a long time. A bright New Year will be coming for you. Steam the glutinous rice Hitting tool 'KINE' and receiving vessel 'USU' Put …
Grilled Oysters Soaked in Sesame Oil. It's a New Year's classic dish at my home. Charcoal fire brings out a splended taste and aroma.I can't stand it. カキのオイルづけ。 大粒のカキに、姿が崩れないように金串を刺して炭火で炙る。 オイルに浸し…
Go to the fish market in the harbor. Shopping for the new year. 正月に備えて恒例の買い出し。 賑わいは今一つ。 Various dried fish Oyster, Crab, Octopus, , Dried sardines Boiled octopus
It's a fascinating taste of winter, made from citron. Dry up in the air for couple months. Cold wind makes the taste stand out.The colder the better. 寒風に晒すこと数か月。 春の楽しみを仕込む。 Citron tree Stuff 'MISO' and walnuts. Dry und…
Go through the tunnel with red decoration. Here is where autumn leaves can be seen until the latest around Tokyo. It’s getting cold day by day. 我が家の周辺は関東で最も遅くまで紅葉が見られる。 寒気に引き立つ紅もあと数日か。 Red tunnel Driv…
Visit the JINYA-JI temple for early worship, avoiding crowds and COVID-19. The benefits are always the same. 一足早く神野寺参拝。 温暖な房総にはまだ秋の気配が残る。
The airport is as quiet as ever. Saliva tests for COVID-19 are still on going. 閑散とした空港で、唾液検査も相変わらず。 採取ブースの壁には懐かしい梅干しとレモン。。。 No photo is allowed from here onwards. Helps saliva collection
They say It's the Masai privileges in Nairobi downtown. A familiar sight along the highway. それはマサイ族の特権だとか。
Kibera, the world biggest slam in Nairobi. Despite the COVID-19, people's lives go on. 世界最大級のスラム街、ナイロビのキベラ地区。 コロナにめげず、暮らしは淡々とあり。 Oil shop Small business Street corner