countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2021-02-01 to 1 month

Saint Rising 未完の日蓮

Great Saint 'NICHIREN' is under way. However, it takes way more budget for his wholly stand up. The temple accepts donations to go on.May God bless you. 頭部だけの日蓮上人が異彩を放つ寺がある。 資金不足が理由とか。 目線を合わせられる巨像と…

Far from the crowd 山のあなたの

At a quiet lake in the mountains.View the ripples drawn on the lake. Nothing wrong, a day goes by. 湖面の波紋をぼんやり眺めて、 何事もなく今日も暮れる。 Coming And passing

Fire Wood Art 薪アート

The face of the fire wood shelf is so fun.Watch over the change of expressions and colors for two years. 薪棚の顔は、時に偶然の造形美を見せる。 しばし、積み上げの手を止めて眺めるのも仕込みの楽しみ。


Here is a book full of inspiration. The author Hans Rosling says, It is important to doubt your beliefs. This book is for those who Want to get out of your shell Want to think about things logically Ready to change the way to look at the w…

Sprinkle 春よ来い

Prepare the soil for spring. Thinking of amazing grace. 春に向けての地道な作業に汗を流す。 ひたすら運び、畑の全面に撒き、一日を終える。 Carry Spread

Dunk Shot シャベルダンク

Gonna get the cow dung compost at a nearby ranch.Dump into my light truck.It's like a easy dunk shot. 畑用に今年も恒例の牛糞堆肥受け取り。 軽トラはパワーシャベルの3ショットで満杯。 湯気を立てて温かい。 Dunk Hotting dung Finish Fully ferme…

Work Site 作業場へ

In cutting work site, have the wood cut into 40cm pieces. After a year of drying, they will just fit my stobe. 丸太を40cmの玉切りにして割り、薪棚で2年の乾燥。 季節の風と日差しが極上の薪を作る。

In a Bamboo Grove 竹林にて

Cut oak trees to make firewood. Oak trees are so hard and good for firewood. Take a breath among the bamboo, it's a tough but fun time. 樫の木を玉切りにして良質の薪材を作る。 チェーンソーが竹林に響いて寒気を揺らす。 きついけれど楽しい、山…