countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Italian Red 夏の赤

Making the dried tomatos, it's amazingly sweet. What a defference the sunlight made. The shining reds look so nice in summer. 乾燥トマト。 日差しを浴びて劇的に甘くなる。 Before After 30 minutes

Heat in Kyoto 酷暑の京都

Prowl in Kyoto, where there are relatively few people. Because of the terrible heat, or COVID-19 ?Both. 炎暑の夏が京都の夏。 Kyoto Tower Tenman-gu Myojin Willow Alley

On the Beach 渚にて

Today, 75 years since the end of the war.And now, we are in battle against COVID-19. They invade our days deep and silent. Sitting, had a time of quiet thinking on the sea shore. 75回目の終戦記念日。 オリンピックのサーフィン会場になるはず…

Shade of Leaves 猛暑続く

Mid Summer in Japan is hot and high humidity. Still, the green curtains are cool to the eyes and skin. Cool shade Bitter melon Summer gimmick

Rainy season ended 梅雨明け

And sudden summer came with hot winds and clouds. The vegetables in the field were waiting for the sunshine. See em grow firm and big. 待望の日差し、畑に降り注ぐ。 Tomato shelf and Sweet Potato Taro potato Edamame Tomato, ’Sicilian Rouge’

Lack of sunlight 日照不足

Less sunshine brings less harvest. It's a difficult year. But, that's why we feel the vegetables delicious. 日差しの足りない夏。 懸命に育つ野菜の味は格別。 Eggplant Green Pepper Okra Red Perilla

Counter measure 対抗策

Cover the whole blueberry trees with bird net.It's a guard against starling, crow and other flying objects. Wild boars and Deers are also uninvited guests. ブルーベリーの木をバードネットで覆う。 招かれざる客たちへの防衛網。 Bird net over t…

In the herb garden 梅雨はらい

Wrapped in a refreshing scent.Take a breath for a while in Jasimine, Lavender, Rosemary and Time. Far away from the crowd. 梅雨の重たい空気をハーブで掃いたい。 我が家の明日の香り、ラベンダー水を持ち帰る。 Contain the air Wreath of happiness

Of the People, For the People 振興券

Bought the prepaid shopping coupon which is worthy only in the town.Hope it encourages the town and people. 町の限定プレミアム商品券が発行された。 お得感満載で、町内9,000人の人と暮らしの刺激剤になるか。 世間ではGO TO キャンペーン開始間近。…

Discover Local 地域再発見

Made a short trip to the charming neighbor town between the rain. The museum and cityscape are nicely old. But even here, they are living while compromising with COVID-19. 小さいながらも魅力的な近隣の町へ日帰りの旅。 コロナと折り合いをつけ…

Green Curtain 涼風を

Set the green curtains with bitter grown 'GOYA'. A cool breeze comes through it. It's a summer gimmick. 今年のグリーンカーテンはゴーヤ。 日本の夏をしのぐ知恵。 Cool 'GOYA' is popular in Okinawa.

Here comes the BEETLES 夏の来客

YAH! YAH! YAH! The summer guest to our small orchard. Two strong guys take a rest beneath the chestnuts tree. It's been a hard day. Need somebody ? Here you go

Defense 防御

First bird attack has come down to the watermelon field. They know the time. Skynet against the birds, electric fence for the ground animals. Battle of wisdom begins. 今年も西瓜泥棒がやって来た。 カラス、アライグマ、ハクビシン、、、招かれ…

Hang around 雨の日は

The neighbors in the highland. Where the rain drops keep falling on without sound. Hear the sound of silence Fresh green Rainy blue

Intermission 忙中有閑

A mission today is test and taste "Sake". Cool. 夏酒の季節がやって来た。 この切れ味は梅雨時の楽しみ。 choose a favourite Sake cup Cool

Blessing of the earth デストロイヤー

It's called "Ground Petika". Another name is "Destroyer". It looks like wearing a black mask. 本名はグラウンドペチカ。 目出しの黒マスクのようで、別名デストロイヤー。 豊作。 Destroyer Good harvest

For Summer すくすくと

The various vegetables started to grow. Young and vigorous in the field without virus. They make us feel the bustle of summer. 夏野菜たちが急速に育ち始めた。 今年も熱い季節がやってくる。 Watermelon Eggplant Taro potato

Harmful and Harmless 虫たちの季節

There are many insects in the field. Someone is useful, other one does harm. But they all prove that the field is alive. 畑に暮らすたくさんの虫。 有害無害入り乱れ、これも健康な畑の賑わいか。 Two star ladybug, welcome. Stink bug, not welcom…

Changing but Unchanging 解放

Emergency for COVID-19 has released all over Japan. No matter what comes up, everyday life goes on.Standing in the field today as well. Nicely grown onion Broad beans

White Garden 花は咲く

It's a season for blooming. No matter how people live. 我が家の庭に、今年も白い花々が咲いた。 爽やかに、粛々と。 Guardian of the garden Orlaya Clematis Mandarin orange

Stay Home Week 家籠り週間

Then, stay in the field.There are many things to do for care without COVID-19. 野菜たちとの濃厚接触は安全。 Onion Potato Shallot

Harvest goes on 実りの時

Visited a strawberry firm nearby. The harvest can't be stopped, despite a decrease in orders. So we can help them by buying. Local production for local consumption. コロナ騒ぎがどうであれ、果実の収穫は待ったなし。 せめて、地産地消で小さな…

Town in Emergency 緊急事態宣言続く

Emergency for COVID-19 is keeping on all over Japan. Even in my local town, people disappeared. Half closed shopping mall Too quiet Main street of the town, also Visitor restriction is done.

Return to the field 復帰

Returned to the field work after a long absence. Flowers were waiting for me. 久しぶりの畑に戻る。 果樹園にも賑わいの気配。 My gear Late blooming cherry blossoms Plum KInd of Willow

Being Hospitalized ロックダウン

One week has passed since I was hospitalized. Not by COVID-19 but abdominal pains. Look at the same view from the window, notice the slight changes everyday. 腹痛で入院して1週間が過ぎた。 変わらぬ窓の眺めも、よく観ると変化している。 Cherry…

Still, spring is coming それでも春は近い

Though the world is in pandemic, spring is here and there in my neighbours. Cherry blossoms bloom as usual. 家籠りの合間に我が町を歩いてみた。 春がいっぱい。 Cherry blossom path Decorated castle At the station

Deserted city 人の消えた町

People seem to refrain from going out. Self-restraint, it's one of the Japanese sensitive behaviour. Hotel reception Bus terminal Lonesome 'HIna Matsuri', Girls Festival

Daily life goes on 日々の暮らし

Though the COVID-19 is raging, local life stands still. Ordinary and patiently, going on. ルーティンワークは今日も変わらない。 In the village On the field At the shopping mall

Rare View

In Tokyo, the air feels so clean. Waiting for the disaster to pass away. Deserted street of Ministries Inactive Airport

Cut Thorns 危険な果実

Pruning the citron tree. Cut the branches and thorns for good harvest. Delicious fruits have dangerous thorns. 収穫に備えて柚子の木を剪定する。 徒長枝を切り、摘果の敵、鋭利な棘も取り除く。 早春のルーティンワーク。 Delicious but Dangerous C…