countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

Entries from 2021-01-01 to 1 year

Signs of Autumn 秋の気配

Baked rice fields show the turn of the season.We are clearly at the entrance to autumn.収穫あとの水田に今年も秋が来る。

Happy harvest 夏野菜が終われば

Variety of crops bring a lot of fun.Green peppers, eggplants, tomatos, chestnuts.Unique shaped butternuts, a kind of pumpkin, and gambo.The fields of summer are about to end.夏野菜も終わりに近い。今年の収穫に感謝。 Chestnuts Variety of veg…

Misty 視界不良

Had a short stay in familiar hospital for health check-up.The state of emergency extended, the visibility remains poor.病室の見慣れた景色は霧で一変する。コロナの先行きも霧の中。 Morning mist Hazy sunset

Drive Through ドライブスルー

Got a 4th PCR test in preparation for a medical exam.It required before overseas business trip and hospitalization.The result was negative for COVID-19, a little positive for my mind.Pandemic still goes on under the sunshine.4回目のPCR検査…

Wind Path 風の痕跡

Traces of the hard wind on paddy fields.Unpredictable wind blows just before the harvest.Walking in a disappointing afternoon.収穫直前の水田を想定外の風が荒らす。黄金の穂が夕日に映える、諦めの午後。

It's been a while 雨あがる

The sunshine came in after a long absence.But it's very capricious.The cloud changes from moment to moment, looks beautiful in various ways.久し振りの青空。雲の移り変わりを楽しむ一日。

Memorial Day in August 8月の記念日

15th is the day of war end.76 years have passed since the end of world war Ⅱ.We swear to abandon the war forever, keep on fighting against COVID-19.終戦から76年。台風、洪水、土石流、そしてCOVID-19。戦いは終わらない。 Bombed Dome in Hiroshi…

Listen to the Rain

Under States of Emergency for COVID-19, heavy rains are hitting all over Japan.Unexpected and inexperienced events continue. Just be safe and wait for it to go far. Photo: Nishinihon Press Photo: Kyodo Tsusin

GONE With The WIND 風と共に去りぬ

Tokyo Olympic Games have finished.Came with Typhoon 8, leaving with Typhoon 9.What will be from now, no one knows.COVID-19 still stays.東京オリンピックが閉幕した。残されたのは台風の残渣とCOVID-19。

Watchers 見守り

Our house guardians keep watch 24/7.Protect from disaster or COVID-19.We wish both.我が家の守護者たちは炎暑も無休。緊急事態宣言下の夏。 A pair of 'See-Saa' from Okinawa あ Right Guard says 'Ah'. うん Left Guard says 'Um'. Summer-extra, Frog…

Shade of Green 緑陰の風

The leaf shadow sways.A cool breeze flows over the wooden deck for a moment.The peak of summer is still going on. ウッドデッキに葉影が揺れてひとときの涼。夏の熱気と無観客の五輪は続く。

Changing 変わりゆくもの

The color changes, the season also.Still the COVID-19 state of emergency goes on. Paprika changes from green to red. Strawberry matures

Come Together 台風五輪

Tokyo Olympic Games have started.Surfing competition is being held on the nearby beach.The waves are so high because Typhoon No. 8 is approaching.Good or bad, not sure but wish the COVID-19 to be washed away.異例づくしの東京オリンピックが…

They all grow 盛夏

Summer is here.Cucumber, tomato, gambo.Colorful crops are pleasing to the eye.今年もすくすくと。収穫の夏、彩りの夏。

Overlooking the Fields 葉上のガードマン

My Guard Frogs watch out for vegie fields.The peak of harvest and mid summer are near.畑を害虫から防御する、カエルは頼れるガードマン。今年もしっかり登場。 Guard on the leaf

A time to be reaping たそがれて心せかれる

Harvest in a hurry at nightfall,as vegetables grow so quick.The time in the field is passing towards mid-summer.夕日に映える夏野菜たち。日照不足の気がかりも吹き飛ぶ収穫の時。

We あてら

In our town, we have a local magazine full of significant messages.The title is "Atera" ,which means "we" in our dialect.People, life, culture, there are many things to pass on to the next generation.Hope this precious Free Press to keep o…

Silent Flowers 無観客の華

In a cloudy morning, stop on a flower path with no audience.Humble but lively, they are.山路のアジサイ、雨後に映える。季節の終わり近し。

Trapped in the Rain 降り込められて

The rain drops keep falling gently.It's the season in Japan.Now, it reminds me a day in Tanzania.Shower comes suddenly, washes the village, and leaves rapidly.It's Africa.日本の梅雨、アフリカのシャワー。解き放たれるのはいつ。 Quiet rain in…

Towards the sky 涼を誘う

Bitter gourd 'Go-Ya' is climbing up so quick.It will be the cool green curtain on the deck.The hot and humid summer is coming.今年もゴーヤのグリーンカーテンが伸びてきた。着々と夏の備え。

Heading to Summer 真夏の予感

It's time to grow up.Eggplant, Cucumber, Watermelon.Everything is going well.畑に少しづつ賑わいが出る。天気の移り変わりを気に掛ける日々の始まり。

Cut Firewood あすなろの香り

Do firewood work between the rain.A kind of cypress, maybe called yellow cedar in North America. It is very fragrant and wraps the air in the scent.芳香ヒノキチオールを発散するのはヒノキよりも、このアスナロ(ヒバ)だとか。

High Noon ごりやくの湯

There's a hot spring called 'GORIYAKU-NO-YU' which means 'Spring of Benefit'.Soak in the hot spa feeling green breeze over my head.Time passing hot but cool.真昼の温泉独り占め。ホットでクールな山あいの時間。

Rainy Season 梅雨入り

It has been declared today.The quiet rain is not bad.Our guardian donkey seems to say so. 静かに降る雨もまた良し。 Guard in the garden

Summer SAKE 夏酒のススメ

Good water makes good sake.And the aroma of the old sake brewery makes me on.So Cool.古い酒蔵で、ひと時ひんやりの夏日。

Water Town 名水の町

There is a small town in the mountains, where many people come for water.There are wells everywhere in the town and anyone can draw water. Clean is the water and mind of the town. 山あいの隣町、久留里。来るたび清々しい。

Bloom 花咲く

Sunlight falls on the garden.Persimmon tree shades the Hydrangea.Clematis aims at the sky.A refreshing day. Hydrangea beneath the Persimmon tree Light and shadow on the flowers Clematis 'Alba Luxurians' Aims at the sky

Destroyer 2021 今年のデストロイヤー

Potatoes grew well this year as well.Their real name is 'Grand Pechika', but are called 'Destroyer'.Hmmm.. I can see it.覆面顔のデストロイヤー、今年も上出来。

Half-finished 鳥獣防衛網

Routine work in Spring.Set up defence for water melon field against attacks by birds and animals.Will be completed soon.西瓜畑、攻防の備え間もなく完成。 Battle field

Rainy Wednesday 雨もまた楽し

Unscheduled day of rest.We visit a nice bakery near the forest.It makes our lunch so fun on a rainy day. Bakery 'grain'