countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary


Drive to watch 'Drive My Car' ドライブ・マイ・カー

It's a film that won an award at a film festival.The adaptation from the original story is wonderful.A 50 page short novel turns into a three hour movie, it's amazing.Mmm, need to watch again to get a deeper understanding.While driving on …

New years decoration at a lumber shop 正月飾り

Hoping 2022 to be less disease, free movement, no pain.Let's get started.

Year end work 餅つき

Make 'Mochi' in the traditoinal way.Hit and turn by synchronized two guys.A new year is coming soon.今年も恒例の餅つき。来年こそは良い年でありますように。 Traditional gear, USU and KINE.

Chilly Sunday 冬の散歩道

Take a walk in the neighborhood.There's no wind and the clouds stay up in the sky.A cold but calm day goes down quickly. 今年一番の寒波がやって来た。空気は冷たいけれど空は澄んで、雲も静か。穏やかに日が暮れる。

Winter citrus 柑橘の冬

Take citron in the garden.We throw it in the hot bath and enjoy the scent.Or fill with 'Miso' then steam, exposed to the cold wind for two months. We call it 'Yubeshi', a traditional preserved food in winter.今年も柚子の季節になった。柚子…

Over the Rainbow 虹を見た

When you wish upon a.....Peaceful year should be coming next.But now, make my day.今年もあと僅か。明るい年が来ますように。

Smoke fluttering 煙たなびく

Burn the rice husks for the last time of this year.It's the whole day work and good for soil when mix it.Cold winter's day is passing through.今年最後の燻炭を焼く。焼け具合を見守って一日を過ごす。 Burnt marks appear Almost done

Winter vegetables 冬の野菜たち

Spend all day in the field, while crop and care the vegetables.It's cold but calm.There is only one month left in the year of COVID-19.年ごとに四季の天候は少しづつ違う。作物の出来も変わる。来年はどんな年だろう。 Young Broad beans Lettuce, …

To the sea 海へ

Watching the ever-changing sunshine, the sparkling sea, and the moving clouds.The unpredictable winter is just around the corner. 日差しと雲の行方をしばし眺める。奇妙に収まっているコロナはどうなるのか。予測のつかない冬がもうすぐやって来る。

Dusk in the countryside 夕景刻々

As always, a peaceful day goes down.The sky and clouds change their appearance every day.

Reading when it rains 雨の日はビートルズ

Got an old guide book which covers all the songs of BEATLES.'The fool on the hill' says, See the sun going down And the eyes in his head see the world spinning aroundUmm, sounds comfortable.ビートルズの古い全曲解説本を手に入れた。古い歌詞…

Amazing Grace 出た

With no sweet sun, here come amazing mushrooms.They grow up healthy in the shade.しばらく続いた雨で椎茸が一斉に出る。今年も秋の恵み、ふんだんに。 Wow

Familiar Autumn 秋の色

It's a common scenary around here, unexciting but restful.Mundane is sometime a valuable view.Daytime is getting shorter and shorter towards winter. 秋の風景には欠かせない柿の実。温暖化で干し柿を作るのが難しくなった。そのせいか、放置される…

TOKYO Bay 東京湾アクアラインで

Crossing the rippling Tokyo Bay.It's sunny but a little windy.Mt. Fuji, which haven't seen in a long time, is covered with snow.I hope it will be calm for two months left this year. 東京湾を渡って、久し振りの東京へ。川崎のプラントも富士山…

Insect Mound 虫塚

There is a place to memorialize the insects in a famous temple in Kamakura.We have been excluded thousands of insects and bugs in daily life.Saying it's a necessary measure for the veggie fields.I should keep that in mind.鎌倉の建長寺に虫…

Cut a windthrow 倒木を伐る

Make a large tree into firewood.They bring warm days after two years of drying.Need to work hard for the cold winter.風で倒れたタブの大木を薪に玉切る。大汗の仕事で寒い冬に備える。

Released from what トンネルを抜ける

Through the long tunnel of patience get into sunny side.The state of emergency has been released for the first time in six months.We may spend some unfamiliar days confused.Go along with COVID-19.9月末で非常事態宣言が解除された。何故か不慣…

Mow weeds 草を刈る

It's a tough work as I've left them too long.One fine day in Autumn, gonna sweat cool.空模様を気に掛けながらの汗仕事。夏の手抜きを悔やむ。 Before On going Done Burn to finish

Red spider lily 曼殊沙華の咲く

Also known as "Hurricane Lily".The flower language is "Sad memories".Typhoon #14, "Chanthu", is passing today, it rains and stops repeatedly.Summer is also passing over.台風14号と一緒に夏が行く。畑のモグラ、ネズミよけ、彼岸花は満開。

Happy harvest 夏野菜が終われば

Variety of crops bring a lot of fun.Green peppers, eggplants, tomatos, chestnuts.Unique shaped butternuts, a kind of pumpkin, and gambo.The fields of summer are about to end.夏野菜も終わりに近い。今年の収穫に感謝。 Chestnuts Variety of veg…

Misty 視界不良

Had a short stay in familiar hospital for health check-up.The state of emergency extended, the visibility remains poor.病室の見慣れた景色は霧で一変する。コロナの先行きも霧の中。 Morning mist Hazy sunset

Drive Through ドライブスルー

Got a 4th PCR test in preparation for a medical exam.It required before overseas business trip and hospitalization.The result was negative for COVID-19, a little positive for my mind.Pandemic still goes on under the sunshine.4回目のPCR検査…

Wind Path 風の痕跡

Traces of the hard wind on paddy fields.Unpredictable wind blows just before the harvest.Walking in a disappointing afternoon.収穫直前の水田を想定外の風が荒らす。黄金の穂が夕日に映える、諦めの午後。

It's been a while 雨あがる

The sunshine came in after a long absence.But it's very capricious.The cloud changes from moment to moment, looks beautiful in various ways.久し振りの青空。雲の移り変わりを楽しむ一日。

Listen to the Rain

Under States of Emergency for COVID-19, heavy rains are hitting all over Japan.Unexpected and inexperienced events continue. Just be safe and wait for it to go far. Photo: Nishinihon Press Photo: Kyodo Tsusin

GONE With The WIND 風と共に去りぬ

Tokyo Olympic Games have finished.Came with Typhoon 8, leaving with Typhoon 9.What will be from now, no one knows.COVID-19 still stays.東京オリンピックが閉幕した。残されたのは台風の残渣とCOVID-19。

Watchers 見守り

Our house guardians keep watch 24/7.Protect from disaster or COVID-19.We wish both.我が家の守護者たちは炎暑も無休。緊急事態宣言下の夏。 A pair of 'See-Saa' from Okinawa あ Right Guard says 'Ah'. うん Left Guard says 'Um'. Summer-extra, Frog…

Shade of Green 緑陰の風

The leaf shadow sways.A cool breeze flows over the wooden deck for a moment.The peak of summer is still going on. ウッドデッキに葉影が揺れてひとときの涼。夏の熱気と無観客の五輪は続く。

Changing 変わりゆくもの

The color changes, the season also.Still the COVID-19 state of emergency goes on. Paprika changes from green to red. Strawberry matures

They all grow 盛夏

Summer is here.Cucumber, tomato, gambo.Colorful crops are pleasing to the eye.今年もすくすくと。収穫の夏、彩りの夏。