countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary


We あてら

In our town, we have a local magazine full of significant messages.The title is "Atera" ,which means "we" in our dialect.People, life, culture, there are many things to pass on to the next generation.Hope this precious Free Press to keep o…

Towards the sky 涼を誘う

Bitter gourd 'Go-Ya' is climbing up so quick.It will be the cool green curtain on the deck.The hot and humid summer is coming.今年もゴーヤのグリーンカーテンが伸びてきた。着々と夏の備え。

Heading to Summer 真夏の予感

It's time to grow up.Eggplant, Cucumber, Watermelon.Everything is going well.畑に少しづつ賑わいが出る。天気の移り変わりを気に掛ける日々の始まり。

High Noon ごりやくの湯

There's a hot spring called 'GORIYAKU-NO-YU' which means 'Spring of Benefit'.Soak in the hot spa feeling green breeze over my head.Time passing hot but cool.真昼の温泉独り占め。ホットでクールな山あいの時間。

Rainy Season 梅雨入り

It has been declared today.The quiet rain is not bad.Our guardian donkey seems to say so. 静かに降る雨もまた良し。 Guard in the garden

Water Town 名水の町

There is a small town in the mountains, where many people come for water.There are wells everywhere in the town and anyone can draw water. Clean is the water and mind of the town. 山あいの隣町、久留里。来るたび清々しい。

Bloom 花咲く

Sunlight falls on the garden.Persimmon tree shades the Hydrangea.Clematis aims at the sky.A refreshing day. Hydrangea beneath the Persimmon tree Light and shadow on the flowers Clematis 'Alba Luxurians' Aims at the sky

Dear Overseas and Domestic Friends 親愛なる皆さまへ

I opened another blog as a notebook. Please visit if you are interested.But sure to have a smart app or brain for translation.Sincerely yours 旅の思い出や過去の記憶、気ままに辿って書き留める雑記帳のようなブ…

After a long absence 帰還

The garden of my house is full of flowers.Persimmon leaves are glittering.Japanese ginger has begun to sprout.Donkey the garden guard is doing a good job.And time is surely changing. 久し振りに戻った我が家の庭は花が一杯。 柿の新緑が陽にキ…

Hang Out 院内徘徊

For the first time in 5 days, stroll in the hospital.Grab Sally, my dear Drip Hanger, go and back a corridor. Fresh view inside, spring storm outside. 点滴ハンガーを杖がわりに、 静かな病院内を行ったり来たり。 It's a sunny and windy day. 外で…

Familiar Place 馴染みの場所へ

Forth hospitalization for a familiar illness. The view from the window remains as before. Kept in bed, there’s plenty of time to be lost in deep thought. It's not bad to drift in memories, but it sometimes brings pain, like that from the b…

Life goes on 日々の暮らし

Little shops in a small market at a shrine compound.They come every five days to support our country life.Chat and buy some daily goods. 近所の神社境内に5日ごとの市が立つ。 もともと密とは無縁の露天から、コロナで客足はさらに減ってしまった。…

Bottling Persimmon Vinegar 柿酢を採る

Bottled the persimmon fruits in October and have fermented for about 5 months.It tastes very natural and elegant, then good for health.Looks successful. 芳香を放つ天然酢は料理に良し、飲んで良し。 友人の指導で初挑戦は、たぶん、成功。 Bottle…


Here is a book full of inspiration. The author Hans Rosling says, It is important to doubt your beliefs. This book is for those who Want to get out of your shell Want to think about things logically Ready to change the way to look at the w…

Stylish Essentials 粋な必需品

A traditional Japanese washcloth called 'Tenugui'.It has good water absorption and is fun to look at. A must-have for field work. Dry in the cold wind

Cozy Place 居心地の良い場所

In a rainy day, Stay away from the crowds, enjoy the aroma of coffee and the distant views. It's a happy time in the countryside. Colombian Mocha Beyond the window

Read Whole Day 夢の中へ

While waiting for physical recovery, read the translated poems of songs.Lyrics of Yosui Inoue who is the most mysterious singer in Japan. Wrapped in a feeling of being unleashed and drifting. 退院後の時間を読書で過ごす。 久しぶりに取り出し…

Third Man 絶食

Start a year with hospitalization. It’s the first time this year and the third time since last year. Get fasting treatment for a familiar illness. Now under the state of emergency by COVID-19, that might be good. 新型コロナで緊急事態宣言の…

Blank 真白

I don't know what goes through this year.Bitter or sweet, boring or exciting, only Heaven knows.Let's get started. Nothing at all

New Year's essentials 正月の必需品

Grilled Oysters Soaked in Sesame Oil. It's a New Year's classic dish at my home. Charcoal fire brings out a splended taste and aroma.I can't stand it. カキのオイルづけ。 大粒のカキに、姿が崩れないように金串を刺して炭火で炙る。 オイルに浸し…

Morning market 港の朝市

Go to the fish market in the harbor. Shopping for the new year. 正月に備えて恒例の買い出し。 賑わいは今一つ。 Various dried fish Oyster, Crab, Octopus, , Dried sardines Boiled octopus

Making 'YUBESHI' 柚餅子を作る

It's a fascinating taste of winter, made from citron. Dry up in the air for couple months. Cold wind makes the taste stand out.The colder the better. 寒風に晒すこと数か月。 春の楽しみを仕込む。 Citron tree Stuff 'MISO' and walnuts. Dry und…

Way to home 紅葉の家路

Go through the tunnel with red decoration. Here is where autumn leaves can be seen until the latest around Tokyo. It’s getting cold day by day. 我が家の周辺は関東で最も遅くまで紅葉が見られる。 寒気に引き立つ紅もあと数日か。 Red tunnel Driv…

Open 再開

A restaurant that has been familiar over 30 years has reopened.They serve eel bowl which is so nice.Japanese taste beats COVID-19. 30年来の馴染みのうなぎ屋が、ようやく店食を再開した。 コロナに負けず、親父さんの腕と味は変わらない。 Welcomin…

Heavenly Blessing 天の恵み

Got certified rice. They use minimal pesticides then sun-dried. It is rice with a pure white shine and 'umami'. 今年も地産のコメを手に入れた。 必要最小限の農薬を使い、天日干し。 太陽の光と自然の風でゆっくり乾燥された一粒一粒は、ひび割れな…

Back to the Past 断食

Re-hospitalized for the same illness. Last time it was spring, this time it's fall. One week fast waits for me. Alright good for health. 覚えのある腹痛で再入院。 覚えのある景色は春から秋に変わった。 1週間の断食は健康のモト?

Winding Grass 牧草巻き

A farmer in the neighborhood works hard. It's regular work in autumn after harvesting rice. Automated work looks interesting. 秋の牧草作りを見物する。 農家の所有する機械は何と多様なことか。 Roll of grass in the field Collect by the machine…

In the herb garden 梅雨はらい

Wrapped in a refreshing scent.Take a breath for a while in Jasimine, Lavender, Rosemary and Time. Far away from the crowd. 梅雨の重たい空気をハーブで掃いたい。 我が家の明日の香り、ラベンダー水を持ち帰る。 Contain the air Wreath of happiness

Of the People, For the People 振興券

Bought the prepaid shopping coupon which is worthy only in the town.Hope it encourages the town and people. 町の限定プレミアム商品券が発行された。 お得感満載で、町内9,000人の人と暮らしの刺激剤になるか。 世間ではGO TO キャンペーン開始間近。…

Intermission 忙中有閑

A mission today is test and taste "Sake". Cool. 夏酒の季節がやって来た。 この切れ味は梅雨時の楽しみ。 choose a favourite Sake cup Cool