countryman81’s diary

房総半島・大多喜の気まま暮らし。 Carefree Diary

My Town & Around

The God of Cinema キネマの神様

Go see a movie to my neighboring town.Directed by Yoji Yamada.It's like 'New Cinema Paradise' in Japan.May god bless the movies and theaters against COVID-19.久し振りに山田洋次監督の映画を見た。コロナで閉ざされた活動屋と劇場に向けての応援…

Over the Rainbow 虹を見た

When you wish upon a.....Peaceful year should be coming next.But now, make my day.今年もあと僅か。明るい年が来ますように。

Into the forest 師走展

Visit a couple of potters who hold a small exhibition at home. Time flows slowly here.ご夫婦の陶芸家が営む「明賀窯」の小さな展示会を訪れた。その作品は家に溶け込んで心地よい。 Invitation Card for Dec. 2021 Path to the mountain Firewood shel…

Autumn leaves hunting 紅葉散策

The last autumn leaves shine in the winter sun.Late autumn goes by.関東で一番遅い紅葉を見る。遅い秋がはらはらと行く。

To the sea 海へ

Watching the ever-changing sunshine, the sparkling sea, and the moving clouds.The unpredictable winter is just around the corner. 日差しと雲の行方をしばし眺める。奇妙に収まっているコロナはどうなるのか。予測のつかない冬がもうすぐやって来る。

"RAKUGO" the Japan traditional narration 笑いの達人

The event that had been canceled due to the influence of COVID-19 was finally held."Syunpuu-tei Ryukyo", the master's performance is wonderful.Laughter after a long absence overflowed.久方ぶりに落語会が再開した。真打の話術を堪能する。

Autumn is still shallow 秋はまだ浅く

The autumn leaves in the neighboring mountains begin to turn red slightly.The winter chills haven't come yet. 我が町の紅葉は関東で一番遅い。山の寒気も今一歩。

Dusk in the countryside 夕景刻々

As always, a peaceful day goes down.The sky and clouds change their appearance every day.

Monopoly 独り占め

Take a walk in a forest where is no one but me.Strolling around a pond, looking at the far away sea.Feel like owning the whole exclusive mountain.無人の森を散策する。忘れられた橋、コテージ、椿、遠い眺め。贅沢な時間。

Familiar Autumn 秋の色

It's a common scenary around here, unexciting but restful.Mundane is sometime a valuable view.Daytime is getting shorter and shorter towards winter. 秋の風景には欠かせない柿の実。温暖化で干し柿を作るのが難しくなった。そのせいか、放置される…

TOKYO Bay 東京湾アクアラインで

Crossing the rippling Tokyo Bay.It's sunny but a little windy.Mt. Fuji, which haven't seen in a long time, is covered with snow.I hope it will be calm for two months left this year. 東京湾を渡って、久し振りの東京へ。川崎のプラントも富士山…

Heading south 陽気な陶器

Go see the pottery that makes me brighter.Their colors and shapes look like a mixture of east and west.Feel like I'm in Mediterranean coast.房総半島南端の町に、お気に入りの陶器を見に行く。その形や色使いから、南ヨーロッパや中央アジアの見知…

Fun on a rainy day 古い夏の色合い

Watch the Japanese clothes collection in local museum.They are 'Kimono' for summer in the Meiji era over 100 years old.The shape and its delicate color are kept in amazing perfect condition.Feel summer in rainy fall day.地元蒐集家の着物コ…

Peep in a good view 縁起の良い眺め

Visit a lake on sunny autumn day.Torii gate on the lake may bring good luck when we see it through the holed rock.Wishing for calm days.良く晴れた午後、山あいの湖を訪れる。湖上の鳥居をのぞき見して冬の安全祈願。

Released from what トンネルを抜ける

Through the long tunnel of patience get into sunny side.The state of emergency has been released for the first time in six months.We may spend some unfamiliar days confused.Go along with COVID-19.9月末で非常事態宣言が解除された。何故か不慣…

Seasons go around 季節は巡る

Standing beside the orchard to see the fruits of persimmons.Trees are kept low for easy harvest.It's just a familiar landscape seen in Japan. Autumn is getting deeper and deeper.日本の秋、定番の眺め。穏やかに深まるか、再度の台風襲来か。

Red spider lily 曼殊沙華の咲く

Also known as "Hurricane Lily".The flower language is "Sad memories".Typhoon #14, "Chanthu", is passing today, it rains and stops repeatedly.Summer is also passing over.台風14号と一緒に夏が行く。畑のモグラ、ネズミよけ、彼岸花は満開。

Come Together 台風五輪

Tokyo Olympic Games have started.Surfing competition is being held on the nearby beach.The waves are so high because Typhoon No. 8 is approaching.Good or bad, not sure but wish the COVID-19 to be washed away.異例づくしの東京オリンピックが…

We あてら

In our town, we have a local magazine full of significant messages.The title is "Atera" ,which means "we" in our dialect.People, life, culture, there are many things to pass on to the next generation.Hope this precious Free Press to keep o…

Silent Flowers 無観客の華

In a cloudy morning, stop on a flower path with no audience.Humble but lively, they are.山路のアジサイ、雨後に映える。季節の終わり近し。

High Noon ごりやくの湯

There's a hot spring called 'GORIYAKU-NO-YU' which means 'Spring of Benefit'.Soak in the hot spa feeling green breeze over my head.Time passing hot but cool.真昼の温泉独り占め。ホットでクールな山あいの時間。

Summer SAKE 夏酒のススメ

Good water makes good sake.And the aroma of the old sake brewery makes me on.So Cool.古い酒蔵で、ひと時ひんやりの夏日。

Water Town 名水の町

There is a small town in the mountains, where many people come for water.There are wells everywhere in the town and anyone can draw water. Clean is the water and mind of the town. 山あいの隣町、久留里。来るたび清々しい。

Bloom 花咲く

Sunlight falls on the garden.Persimmon tree shades the Hydrangea.Clematis aims at the sky.A refreshing day. Hydrangea beneath the Persimmon tree Light and shadow on the flowers Clematis 'Alba Luxurians' Aims at the sky

Rainy Wednesday 雨もまた楽し

Unscheduled day of rest.We visit a nice bakery near the forest.It makes our lunch so fun on a rainy day. Bakery 'grain'

After the Rain 雨後の竹灯篭

A light rain washed away the dust in the town.Bamboo lanterns create a fantastic night. It's real Japanese beauty.

Swim in the Air 鯉の群れ泳ぐ

Boy's Day is coming soon.Colorful carps fly in the sky, decorating the clear stream.Under the state of emergency, Spring goes on. 三度目の非常事態宣言下、人込みと無縁の山中で鯉のぼりを愛でる。 観る人も少ない今年も鯉を流す、地元有志の皆さん…

Beauty of Japan 城 春にして

Cherry-blossoms guard the castle.Flowers in full bloom for only one week.It blooms brilliantly and scatters vividly.This is the best of Japan. 今年の桜は例年になく早い。 城の桜も見事に満開。 鮮やかに咲き、鮮やかに散る。

Memories of Bustle 賑わいの記憶

There is an old building on the old boulevard in the town.The historical store, which used to be a pawnshop, is open to the public to show the bustling old days.The founder's family donated the library to the town and it's still being take…

Full of Spring 春がいっぱい

A strong spring breeze blows.Farmars start watering the paddy fields.Local train goes through the rape blossoms.The season changes calm and steady in the countryside. 水田に水が入り始める。 菜の花の中をローカル列車が走る。 我が町の春はいつ…